Voor haartransplantatie 5

Hair transplant men

A hair transplant for men is the solution if you suffer from hair loss as a man. It is a common problem that often manifests itself at a young age. Usually it starts with a receding hairline, after which bald spots appear at some point. Do you suffer from this and would you prefer your hair back? With a hair transplant for men, Omorfy offers a definitive solution for this.​

Hair transplant men: the solution

Hair loss in men has several causes. The main cause is hereditary baldness. This is also called androgenetic alopecia and can develop at a young age. This type of hair loss is caused by a hypersensitivity of the hair follicles to the hormone dihydrotestosterone DHT. This inhibits hair growth and eventually blocks it, leading to baldness.

A hormonal imbalance, illness, stress or wrong diet can also be the cause. The hair follicles in the hair crown – the part at the back of the head – are not sensitive to this.

Fue hair transplant


“More guidance and attention. Now and in the future" Hair transplant does not always have to be the first solution. ”

My hair transplant: Bart​

On August 27, 2021 I had a hair transplant done at Omorfy in Bunnik. The reason why I had a hair transplant is, of course, because my hair was thinning out a bit more, especially the inlets and something near my crown. Now it wasn’t very extreme yet, but I saw the same hairline as my grandfather’s, and he had a nice bay. All in all, I wanted to be here on time. My search for a clinic did not last long, someone in my circle of acquaintances had already undergone a hair transplant at Omorfy (which also made me enthusiastic).

6 maanden na behandeling 1
Voor haartransplantatie 5

Free information about hair transplant men

Would you like more information about a hair transplant for men and find out what we can do for you? Make an appointment for a consultation at Omorfy. We know you can be very busy during office hours. That is why we can also schedule appointments in the evenings or weekends in consultation. Our specialist will review the situation and draw up a treatment plan based on this. This way we know for sure that we can advise you well about a hair transplant for men.

Hair transplant treatment for men​


The appearance and enlargement of the inlets is the first sign of male hair loss. This occurs in some men as early as age 20, while others do not develop it until age 50. The cause of this is often Androgenetic Alopecia. The Omorfy team specializes in the reduction of coves. For a cove hair transplant you have come to the right place at Omorfy.


Is the hairline receding and the forehead higher as a result? We can also do something about that with a hair transplant for men. Together with the doctor you determine how the hairline should be. The doctor pays attention to the direction of growth and the desired model of your hairline in order to regain a natural head of hair.


The crown is another place where hair loss often occurs in men. In this area, special attention should be paid to the direction of implantation. Every crown is different. Some people have a double crown and the twist is different for every person.

Thinning hair

In areas where the hair has become so thin that you can see through it, a hair transplant for men is a good solution. We can place hairs in between in those places, so that everything appears fuller again.

Beard and mustache

Do you have a beard or mustache where there is not enough hair? Or do you have a scar here? Then a transplant is a permanent solution. A beard transplant does not always have to be the first solution. Other treatments are also possible. Do you want a fuller beard or moustache? Then read whether a beard transplant is something for you.


Eyebrows are very important for the face in women, but also in men. Beautiful eyebrows give a well-groomed appearance. The Omorfy team can determine together with the customer where the hair should be placed, in order to create full beauty.

FUE scar hair transplant men

At Omorfy we understand very well that a scar can take away your confidence. For example, think of a scar on the back of the head after a FUT treatment. Often this scar is from ear to ear and visible when the hair is shaved short. Clients regularly come to us who regret a FUT treatment because of the scar. With the hair transplant procedure we can treat the scar tissue. The transplant provides a permanent solution to hair growth in the scar.

Hair saving transplant men

Many clients do not want to have a hair transplant for men because they simply do not want to shave their head completely. For this reason, a hair-saving transplant is certainly possible at Omorfy.

There are two options: You let the donor area grow in length. On the day of treatment, part of the donor area is shaved. The hairs will cover the shaved area. The entire donor area is shaved short and the hair in the recipient area is left standing. The advantage of this method is that the donor area can be used optimally for the larger treatments. The disadvantage of this method is: A limited number of grafts per treatment. In some situations a second treatment may be necessary.

At Omorfy we can perform a hair transplant treatment in almost all cases. Request a consultation which treatment is right for you.

Treatment Hair transplant men

What is an FUE hair transplant for men?

With an FUE hair transplant for men, the hair follicles are moved from the hair crown to the inlets or crown. Hair follicles are also called grafts and can contain one to four hairs. The graft, or hair follicle, is also called an implant.

The crown of hair is located on the sides and back of your head. The hair follicles in this area do not fall out. They also do not suffer from the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes hair follicles to die prematurely. This hormone is often the reason that men become bald later in life. The entire hair follicle, including DNA, is transferred. This means that hairs that have been transplanted will never fall out again.

The steps of the FUE method

Your scalp is locally anesthetized because the work takes many hours. This can possibly be done needleless.

A hair technician removes the genetically good grafts – hair follicles with hair and stem cell – from the donor area with extreme precision. This extraction is done with a special small hollow needle with a diameter of about 0.7 mm. The grafts are removed with tweezers and placed temporarily in a special liquid. This fluid supplies the grafts with nutrients, making all grafts strong enough to survive the transplant. This ensures that all grafts develop beautiful, healthy hair after the transplant.

After the extraction it is time for lunch and the last grafts will be counted and sorted.

The doctor then creates the channels in the donor area with the Sapphire blade. This must be done very precisely, so that the implants can be placed correctly and eventually get a natural growth direction.

After making all the incisions, the hair technician places the grafts using tweezers.

When implanting, we perform a special treatment to improve the growth factors around the receiving area. These optimal conditions enhance hair growth.

Then the aftercare in the clinic follows and the aftercare of the hair transplant for men is discussed at home.

FUE Haartransplantatie methode Illustratie

2 weeks to 5 months after hair transplant men

From about 2 weeks to 5 months after the treatment, the transplanted hairs may fall out. This is not the case for everyone and you should not be alarmed by this: this is a common reaction. The stem cells are so stuck under the skin after 1 week that they ensure the regrowth of new hair.

The final result of a hair transplant for men is only visible between 9 and 12 months after treatment. The whole process therefore requires at least a few months of your patience, but the result is definitely worth it! A hair transplant for men is a proven and safe treatment that you will enjoy for the rest of your life.

A hair transplant is a proven and safe treatment that you will enjoy for the rest of your life.

Aftercare guidance

After the treatment, your Omorfy technician will contact you regularly. You will receive a wash of your hair in our clinic on day 3 and day 7. This way we can better guide you during the most important week of your recovery and optimally monitor the result. treatment, a piece of skin is removed and the hair is not shaved. We choose FUE hair transplant because:

De clinic

Omorfy has a beautiful new clinic in Bunnik with 5 operating rooms. You will be received and cared for in one of these rooms with maximum privacy. Thanks to our efficient and flexible approach, we have no waiting lists. We know that you can be very busy during office hours. That is why we can also schedule appointments in the evenings or weekends in consultation. You can bring a companion, because there is ample parking and waiting space. In addition, there is a Postillion hotel within walking distance.

Our team will receive you as agreed on the day of the treatment and go through the program and documentation with you. Then we start with the preparations. Our professionals work with the latest techniques. These techniques ensure a high density, faster recovery process and an amazing end result.

A perfect result starts with a good doctor. Omorfy’s doctors are qualified, skilled, BIG registered and have a passion for the profession. They perform all operations with the most modern equipment. The treatments are carried out in complete privacy. There is a sitting area in your room where you can enjoy lunch between the treatments.

Behandelkamer Omorfy Haarkliniek
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Veelgestelde vragen

Mocht je een vraag hebben die hier niet staat neem dan contact met ons op.

Hair transplants in men are almost exclusively used in cases of androgenetic alopecia, hereditary hair loss. This is a form of hair loss that is permanent and is caused by the male dihydrotestosterone hormone. Before you make the decision, you must first determine the cause of the hair loss. Make a speech for a no-obligation consultation and discuss the possibilities.

It is difficult to indicate exactly how long a men’s hair transplant will take. This depends on various factors and the number of grafts required. Keep in mind that you have the whole day free for the treatment and that you are ready again around 4:00 PM.

In men, the entire head is often shaved for a hair transplant. However, other techniques are also possible, in which only part or none of the hair is shaved. Omorfy also performs these methods. Inquire about the possibilities in a no-obligation consultation.

In men, the entire head is often shaved for a hair transplant. However, other techniques are also possible, in which only part or none of the hair is shaved. Omorfy also performs these methods. Inquire about the possibilities in a no-obligation consultation.

In men, the entire head is often shaved for a hair transplant. However, other techniques are also possible, in which only part or none of the hair is shaved. Omorfy also performs these methods. Inquire about the possibilities in a no-obligation consultation.

In men, the entire head is often shaved for a hair transplant. However, other techniques are also possible, in which only part or none of the hair is shaved. Omorfy also performs these methods. Inquire about the possibilities in a no-obligation consultation.

You need patience, hair doesn’t grow fast. The first days after the procedure, the treated skin is red and slightly swollen. This will disappear automatically and the skin will have recovered after more than a week. With the normal FUE method, transplanted hairs fall before new ones grow. This hair loss occurs from 3 to 4 weeks after the procedure. New hair growth starts to become visible 3 to 4 months after the procedure. A full result can be expected in 9 to 12 months after the hair transplant for men treatment has taken place.

The costs of a hair transplant for men depend strongly on the number of grafts that are implanted. The price of a hair transplant of small coves starts at 2300 euros and can increase to a hair transplant treatment in one day of about 4500 euros. With larger numbers of grafts, a hair transplant must be spread over two days to preserve the donor area

The only reason to do a hair transplant in Turkey is money. With a correct comparison of costs, travel and risks, it is not worth the effort and a good clinic in Turkey costs just as much.

– A hair transplant does not provide immediate results. Hair grows slowly, but a hair transplant is sustainable. The final result is visible after 9 to 12 months.

– A hair transplant takes 8 hours because it is very precise work that must be done professionally. Immediate recovery takes about a week.

– The cost price is more expensive than other methods due to the intensive work and work of a doctor, but much more sustainable.

Can every man with hair loss have a hair transplant?

Men who suffer from hereditary hair loss, androgenetic alopecia, can often undergo a hair transplant. This form of hair loss is permanent and is because the hair follicles are affected by the hormone dihydrotestosterone and is often hereditary. General health should be good. In other forms of hair loss, a doctor should determine whether a transplant is possible.

In principle, the hair follicles that are transplanted continue to produce hair for a lifetime. However, the hair can age and become thinner due to the natural process.

Het scheren of millimeteren van het haar is niet altijd nodig. Er bestaat ook een mogelijkheid om alleen een klein stukje op het achterhoofd te scheren. Dit is afhankelijk van het aantal te extraheren grafts. Na afloop van de behandeling vallen de omliggende haren hier overheen. Hierdoor zal de behandeling vrijwel onzichtbaar zijn. Onze artsen en technicians gebruiken precisie-instrumenten waardoor weinig hersteltijd nodig is en het ontvangst- en donorgebied snel genezen. Dit alles wordt met je besproken tijdens het intakegesprek in de kliniek.

Omorfy has specialists for frizzy hair transplantation. Especially men with frizzy hair can do a hair transplant with us. A successful hair transplant of frizzy hair takes longer because the structure is more complex. A hair transplant frizzy hair requires a lot of effort and experience from the hair technician. Read more about hair transplants for frizzy hair here.

Do you have a scar on your head where no hair grows? Then we may be able to transplant hairs here again. In any case, the skin of the scar must be properly determined in advance. We discuss the possibilities during a free consultation

The beard can be implanted simultaneously with the hair on the head. The treatment of the man takes longer, but sometimes the implant specialists work in two or three places at the same time. Then the hair transplant for the man will go faster.

Would you like to know more about the possibilities of a hair transplant for men at Omorfy? Or are you interested in a consultation? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to discuss the possibilities with you.

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